Providing Lifelong Skills One Child At A Time

Providing Lifelong Skills One Child At A Time

Through education, children get to obtain knowledge and skills that will help them make a great future for themselves and their families. Through different opportunities, we can help children see that what they learn in life will be a skill that can help them live a better life.

Along with literacy and a good education, we aim to provide lifelong skills that will help children change their circumstances in life and have a future they can be proud of to pass on for the generation to come.

  • Literacy for a Chance to Earn a Livelihood
    By teaching skills that can be used a whole life through, we help children understand these skills will allow them to earn a livelihood that can sustain their needs as well as their family’s. Woodworking, crafting, and painting are some of the skills that can benefit an individual when they are ready and capable to start a living. Our non-profit organization in Houston Texas works persistently to extend livelihood program materials for individuals in Nigeria.
  • Engage in Earning Through Their Skills
    With their skills, they have the chance to personalize their craft that even though they have friends who share the same skill, having their own unique touch to what they can do gives them the edge over the other person. Letting them earn through the skills they have developed over the years is something no one-hit-wonder individual can ever top.
  • Give Others a Career
    Through these skills, it gives others the opportunity to build their career especially when they learn a skill early on – they have the chance to keep getting better at it to become an expert when they grow up. By learning a skill, they get a fallback that will support their education, and no matter what their circumstances are, they still have an option to earn a living.

Receiving continued support for the Literacy Foundation International Incorporated in Houston Texas, USA lets us extend our work to all the children in Nigeria who need all the chances of hope they can get to have a brighter tomorrow.

Sponsor a child’s resources and let them learn a skill they can use a lifetime through. Support Chief Stephen O. Nwankwo Children’s Literacy Foundation International Incorporated.

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